But their cartoons, which appear fresh everyday, seem to take on a racist tone.
At first, I wondered if I was being too sensitive to the matter of race with respect to this cartoon:

As I walk around the site, the Profootballtalk.com Message Boards ask people not to be racist. So, I give them a pass.
But to test my view, I clicked around the Profootballtalk.com site and found this Al Davis cartoon within seconds:

I think what's up here is a simple case of cultural insentivity. What's the deal with showing a picture -- doctored -- of Al Davis shaking hands with Chef from South Park? Well, they're obviously making fun of the hiring of Art Shell as Raiders Head Coach. But it also seems like a kind of reach back into the past where blacks were made fun of by using cartoons of us with large eyes and super dark skin.
Look, the photo was doctored to depict this image.
I never see Profootballtalk.com lampooning Italians in the mafia, or Irish drunks, so why the focus on blacks?
Just a question -- a good one.
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