NFL Network's Rich Eisen is talking to Indianpolis Colts President GM Bill Polian at the 2006 NFL Scouting Combine, so I thought I'd try to type what he says. The quotes are close to exact, but not right on.
On the Scouting Combine:
"First combine was in 1984 and with about 150. Now it's grown into a major event.
On Reggie Wayne's new contract and not franchising RB Edgerin James:
"Hopefully, we will be able to get him back. That may happen if there's no CBA. Reggie's been an important part of our team...We wanted to get him signed." Poliann said it would have made no sense to "tag" Edgerin as the number was "untenable."
On the 2006 draft:
We have three or four people contribute from the draft each year: Cato June, and others. The way our model is set we have to have contributions from younger players.
On the CBA:
We're wating to see what happens. All of the good things we have had come from labor peace. We've got Peyton (Manning) and Tony (Dungy) and have been to the playoffs six out of the eight years. How did we get there as a team in the smallest stadium in the league? The salary cap.
On the Competition Commiteee and Mike Holgren leaving it:
Rich Eisen asked if the Super Bowl Officiating problem had to do with it: "Absolutely not. He wants to spend more time with his family..,.He may change his mind in Florida.
Polian says that the committee is not going to look at just the officiating problem but the whole game.
That was it. Polian's off to other matters.
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